The stakes connected with the translation of a legal document are high, so we don't just offer you a satisfactory result - we strive for excellence! It is the combination of the five points below that enable us to guarantee you a high quality legal translation, in over 230 languages, whatever your timing constraints.
5 points to guarantee a high-quality legal translation:
1. Preliminary analysis
First of all, our team accurately identifies the type of legal document to be translated and then assigns the job to one of our translators specialising in the field concerned (employment law, arbitration, litigation, etc.). This preliminary analysis guarantees an accurate and precise translation by a translator aware of the legal specificities of your document.
2. Specialist legal translators
The translator is the actor who, thanks to his or her skills, will carry out the first translation of your document. However, the translator's mission is more than just a translation: he or she must also possess advanced legal knowledge to achieve optimum results. Each of our legal translators has a thorough command of the main legal systems and their specific terminology, and specializes in a particular branch of law.
For your certified translation needs, our expert translators sworn by a Court of Appealwill be able to give your translation official status.
Legal 230 specialist translators regularly monitor the law to keep abreast of new terms used and points of law recently published.
3. Systematic proofreading
In addition to the initial translation carried out either by an expert translator in your field (tax law, real estate...), certified or not, or by our Artificial Intelligence tool, Alan, when your document is suitable, we systematically have the output proofread by a second translator, also specialised in law.
This stage, also called post-editing, guarantees a high-quality end translation, considerably reducing the risk of errors.
4. Creating terminology glossaries
We attach particular importance to theconsistency of your terms both within individual documents and over time. To this end, we compile a glossary of the main terms used in your documents, validated by you. This customised terminology glossary is used in our monitoring tools, guaranteeing you consistent, reliable translations over the duration of our work together.
Our glossaries contain not only your key terms in the source language, backed up by an approved translation in the target language, but also other information such as definitions, context, grammatical details, and so on. Naturally, we compile them free of charge.
5. The use of cutting-edge technologies
Law is a field in which precision is essential and where the use of a particular term can alter the meaning of the entire text. Carrying out a legal translation using an online translation tool will produce a result that is highly inaccurate and therefore unacceptable and not recommended.
At Legal 230, we have created our ownArtificial Intelligence tool, which we call Alan, trained by our teams and dedicated 100% to legal translation. Alan uses "Deep learning", which enables it to learn continuously and automatically enrich our terminology databases.
Alan is currently available in six languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
As explained in paragraph three, the translation produced by Alan is always coupled with proofreading by a professional translator, expert in law. This combination gives you the benefit of excellent translation quality at a highly competitive rate and within a tight turnaround time.
For more information on the quality of our translations, please contact our teams directly on +33 (0)1 84 80 21 20 or by email at They will be delighted to discuss your requirements and answer any questions you may have.