Certified translations (or , in Francesworntranslations ) are becoming increasingly important as a result of international trade, the creation of political and economic blocs, migration and tourism. But what exactly is a certified translation? Which documents are concerned by this? How do you certify a document? We'll help you find out in this article.
1. What is a certified translation?
A certified translation is a translation service authorized to translate legal documents or certificates. This includes birth certificates, university diplomas, academic records, certificates of incorporation, statutes and other official documents. Only authorized sworn translators can provide a certified translation. Court-approved translators endorse the documents they translate with their signature and seal. This means that the translator assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of the document. This endorsement gives the document an official, formal status and legal value equivalent to that of the original document. In short, any document with legal value can benefit from a certified translation.
2. Why is certified translation important?
When you need to translate certain documents, it's important to guarantee their recognition in law as well as their accuracy. If you need to present documents to an official body such as a court, a notary or a university, for example, then an officially certified translation will guarantee the accuracy of the document, since it does not have the required certification. In that case, the document will have no legal value. With a certified translation provided by a court-approved translator, you guarantee the legal status of your document. It is therefore necessary to have the signature, seal and unique registration number of a court-approved translator, to prove the accuracy of the text.
3. Is a certified translation valid in all countries?
Some countries may require further steps in addition to the process described above. These may include certification, legislation or an apostille added by a mayor, notary or consular body. The purpose of these additional documents is to validate the translator's accreditation and the conformity and accuracy of the information translated. We recommend that you contact our agency before the translation is carried out, to find out the terms and conditions applied by the foreign authority in question. This way, you'll have everything you need to validate your document, avoiding time wasting and additional constraints.
In conclusion, a certified translation enables you to translate a legal document or certificate, guaranteeing the accuracy and legal recognition of the text. Our court-approved translators are on hand to help you get the job done! Don't hesitate to contact us for the translation of your documents.