Legal translation
Services dedicated exclusively to legal professionals
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Legal translation
3 packages to cover all your legal translation needs
Fast, high-volume translation thanks to our artificial intelligence tools
- Translation via artificial intelligence
- Proofreading by an expert legal translator
- High-volume processing in a short space of time
- Customised glossary
- Dedicated contact
- Response in under 30 minutes
- 24/7 availability
- NDA on request
Translation into 7 languages:
French, English, German, Spanish, Italian,
Portuguese and Dutch
Translation by experts in your field of law.
- Translation by a legal expert
- Proofreading by an expert legal translator
- Customised glossary
- Dedicated contact
- Answer in under 30 minutes
- 24/7 availability
- NDA on request
Translation into 230 languages.
Certified translation (with legalisation if necessary).
- Translation by a court-approved expert
- Proofreading by an expert legal translator
- Sending a version prior to formal certification
- Customised glossary
- Dedicated contact
- Answer in under 30 minutes
- 24/7 availability
- NDA on request
Translation into 230 languages.
How to okay
Quote request process - Uncertified translation
Ask for a quote
Sending of a quote with
options and deadlines - Less
than 30 mn
Confirmation of
order with
delivery date
Delivery of the
Translation assessment and feedback
Update your translations
Our dedicated process
Simply send us your mark-up or files with the different versions, and we'll update your translation.
For security and efficiency reasons, we will need to receive your original translation, unless it has been produced by our teams.
The update will be carried out by a translator who is an expert in your field of law.

Proofreading by an expert legal translator
To avoid the possibility of mistakes, consider letting us proofread your translation, either on the basis of your source document or just your own translation.
We can, of course, return the files in mark-up format, with the proofreader's comments, if required. You can then decide whether or not to accept our corrections and changes.
We answer all your questions
If you can't find the answer you're looking for
Don't hesitate to contact us
What are the differences between our three packages?
- Alan corresponds to a translation carried out using our Artificial Intelligence tool dedicated to legal translation. This package includes proofreading by a legal translator. Alan is currently available in 7 languages.
- Broca is a 100% translation service provided by our teams of specialist legal translators in over 230 languages. Proofreading by a second legal translator is also included.
- Capet is an official certified translation produced by translators holding formal approval from a Court of Appeal. These translations can also be apostilled by various administrative authorities (CCI, MAE...).
Which package should I choose for my document?
Our teams are at your disposal to advise you on each project, according to the type of documents you need.
ALAN any type of legal documents (excluding drafting, marketing, presentation, editorial and internal memos).
BROCA any type of legal documents, as our teams of specialist legal translators will be in charge of your project.
CAPET official documents or documents to be made official, to be presented to a government authroity. Your documents will be translated by our team of translators holding formal approval from one of the French Courts of Appeal.
How are translators selected?
Translator recruitment
Our team of translators is made up of experienced professionals, graduates of translation/interpreting schools or universities, and mainly specialised in the field of law or former lawyers. They are all proficient in the main legal systems and in particular the law in the language of the country for which they are translating.
Translator test
After contacting the translator and adding them provisionally to our database, we ask them to undertake a test:
- in two areas of law
- from one or two languages into their mother tongue
- for the two types of service (translation, post-editing) in which they state they are proficient
These tests are proofread and assessed by our team and experienced translators in whom we have complete trust.
How do you guarantee the quality of the translations produced by your Artificial Intelligence tool Alan?
Alan has been developed by our teams and trained exclusively for legal translation.
Adapted machine learning techniques continually feed the tool's terminology base to make its translation systems ever more efficient.
Finally, each document is systematically proofread by one of our expert legal translators.
This human proofreading step guarantees you a high-quality translation.
My request is very urgent. How quickly will you get back to me?
Our teams are available around the clock, 7/7, including evenings and weekends.
You'll always have a contact person available to help you with your translation project.