Our partners
Union des jeunes avocats
Founded in 1922, UJA de Paris is a professional association that supports young lawyers on a day-to-day basis as they start their careers within the profession. UJA is the leading lawyers' association in Paris, both in terms of the number of members and the number of its elected representatives to the representative bodies of the Bar Association.

ACE, Avocats ensemble.
Founded in 1992, the Association des Avocats Conseils d'Entreprises represents the entire French commercial bar, bringing together French and international corporate law firms of all sizes. Since October 2021, ACE has been chaired by Emmanuel Raskin, a member of the Paris Bar and former member of France's National Council of Bar Associations (Conseil National des Barreaux).

Association Française des Juristes d’Entreprise
Founded in 1969, AFJE addresses three major concerns of the legal profession: the role of the in-house lawyer, his or her place among the other legal professions and the need for appropriate training programs.
Its opposition to the monopoly of the law by lawyers in private practice (or "avocats") led to the legal recognition of in-house counsel (or "juristes") as a profession in 1971.

Eurojuris France
Since 1987, EUROJURIS FRANCE has been supporting legal professionals in their development and modernisation.
Through training programs, exchanges of know-how and the monitoring of changes to the law, the aim is to ensure improved quality of service for a wide-ranging client base, including businesses, local authorities and private individuals.

FLIT Network
Created by Audrey Déléris and Pierre Landy in 2019, the FLIT Network (French Lawyers In Tech) is the network for lawyers in tech and startups. Today, the network brings together more than 270 members who benefit from access to a dynamic Slack channel, exclusive training courses and negotiated partnerships.

Rugby Club du Palais
The Rugby Club du Palais de Justice de Paris was born in the 1980s out of a desire to combine a passion for rugby with the legal profession.
In 1992, it underwent significant growth under the impetus of a new generation of lawyers. The club welcomes not only lawyers and trainee lawyers, but also court clerks, judges and notaries, representing a wide range of professional profiles.